quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2012

Seminários FPC

O Departamento de Ciência da Computação e o Instituto de Matemática da
UFBA têm o prazer de convidá-los para o Primeiro Seminário do Grupo de
Projetos Fraunhofer em Engenharia de Software e Sistemas da
Universidade Federal da Bahia (FPC-UFBA).

Os Seminários FPC-UFBA apresentam palestras sobre o estado da arte na
área de engenharia de software e sistemas. As palestras são abertas a
todos interessados na área de software e sistemas.

Nossa primeira palestra será proferida pelo Dr. Martin Becker do
Instituto Fraunhofer para Engenharia de Software Experimental da
Alemanha (Fraunhofer-IESE), nossa instituição parceira no FPC-UFBA, e
principal centro de pesquisa da Europa na área. Os dados sobre a
palestra são fornecidos abaixo.

(proferida em inglês, sem tradução)

Title: Variation-rich Systems Engineering – Challenges and Ongoing
Research at Fraunhofer IESE

Abstract: The talk provides a general overview on Fraunhofer IESE's
organization and research activities. Along some example projects with
industry it discusses current challenges of industry in engineering
variation-rich systems, respective IESE competences and the transfer
of them. Furthermore it provides an overview on the ongoing and future
research in this field.

Speaker: Dr. Martin Becker, Fraunhofer IESE

Bio of the Speaker: Dr. Martin Becker is heading the Embedded Systems
Development department at Fraunhofer IESE in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
He graduated from the University of Kaiserslautern in Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering in 1997 and received his Ph.D. degree in
2004 in the field of variability management. Since 2004, he has been
working for Fraunhofer IESE in applied research and technology
transfer projects in the area of software product lines,
component-based development, architecture-centric engineering,
configuration support, and adaptive systems. Since 2009 his is
department head at Fraunhofer IESE. Among his research interests are
the elicitation and sharing of architectural knowledge in variant-rich
systems, esp. the knowledge on system variants and their efficient
production as well as managing variability on the code level.

Date:Thursday, September 6th, 4 pm.

LOCAL: Auditório do Instituto de Matemática da UFBA (ao lado do PAF1 e
do CPD) no Campus de Ondina da UFBA.
HORÁRIO: 16:00 hrs do dia 6 de Setembro de 2012 (próxima quinta-feira)

Manoel Mendonça, Ph.D.
Director - Fraunhofer Project Center on Software and Systems Eng.
Head of the Computer Science Graduate Program
Professor of Computer Science
Federal University of Bahia
+55 (71) 3283-6308